Team Cabbage




Cabbage grew up in the lands of the Netherlands but moved to the states to pursue his business dreams. He leads the vegetabbles with utmost pride and he makes sure the company is in the right direction inside and out.

Carrot hailing from the farms of California, is responsible for the company's brand with his elusive creativity making visually pleasing styles the makes our business standout. His creativeness lures in tons of customers each year.

Lettuce from the far eastern lands has been succesful in his field of accounting. he is the lead accountant for Team Cabbage and he never makes mistakes on any invoice.

Broccoli grew up in the far eastern lands with his bigger brother Lettuce. Broccoli is the head of logistics where she moves tons of vegetabbles each day.

Any of these images are not for commercial use and is not modified in anyway with the exception of dimension to fit all the image proportionately. All rights reserved to the owners of these pictures.